Student iPads and Laptops
Device Support for SPS Students
Laptops 3rd-12th Grade
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SVG Error: badpath at wp-content/themes/sps-base-theme/includes/asset-paths : /code/wp-content/uploads/svg/arrow-right.svgReminder: Restart Your Device Regularly
By restarting your district device (laptop or iPad) at least three times each week, you will resolve most issues. Restarting your device allows the device to process updates, policy changes, or security changes that are needed to keep your device running smoothly. Steps to restart your device:
- Plug your device in to power and turn it on
- Connect to the internet
- Restart the device, and then have your student log in to the device
- Leave it on for at least an hour so it can apply any changes that are needed silently
- If prompted, proceed with restarting your device again
Who to Contact for Support
- If your student needs a password reset.
- If your student’s device has connectivity issues.
- If your student needs an SPS device (this includes broken, stolen, or lost devices).
If you have questions about how to use District laptops, District digital tools, or need general tech support.
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
206-252-0100 (if the line is busy you can leave a voicemail)
Traveling internationally (taking a trip outside the USA)?
The Admissions Office has limited international network access for students on official school breaks, like mid-winter or spring break, and only upon request. Otherwise, students are to follow the attendance policy for in-person learning.
If you would like to request international network access during an official school break, please submit your request to with your student’s name and the dates of school break.